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Strategic Transformation and Efficiency Gains with Heath Crawford

Case Study

Strategic Transformation: Heath Crawford Case Study

As an independent insurance broker with over 20 years’ experience, Heath Crawford help businesses find the right protection across a wide range of insurance. In line with their mission statement of ‘protect what you value’, they consider their reputation their most valuable asset, and aim to protect and build upon it by always acting in customers’ best interests.

The company has used Broker Insights for years to support their operations, and here Oliver Leyens, Heath Crawford Director, explains how the way they use the platform has changed and the benefits this has brought.


An early adopter of Broker Insights, Heath Crawford joined the platform to provide insurers with a clear view of their held book, helping them to identify in-appetite cases.

However, explains Oliver, as the business has grown, their use of the technology has changed. Now they are focused on using Broker Insights Vision to provide them with a high-level, strategic view of their business.

“Initially, the platform gave a clear view for insurers,” he says, “but I’ve grown to love Broker Insights VisionTM from a strategic point of view.”

Vision Benefits

Efficiency Gains

Account Managers save time when insurers have immediate views of their book through Vision. Insurers assess cases of interest and risks in their own time, including those previously thought to be out of appetite.

The team can also easily understand the size of their book and export important data quickly with Vision’s easy-to-use Management Information capabilities. With instant oversight of their whole business, Heath Crawford remains in control and monitors performance to avoid unexpected busy peaks. As Oliver says:

“Broker Insights is head and shoulders above other software systems for getting data out quickly. What previously required long-winded reports now takes three clicks of a button and is so powerful.” 

Strategic Tool

Beyond being a day-to-day broking tool, Vision lets Heath Crawford set, edit and track their placement strategies in one central location. This helps them to grow accounts with key insurer partners and monitor progress with Vision’s simple arrow indicators after every data upload.

“Being able to monitor deals through the strategy-setting is huge,” Oliver explains, “and the ability to filter and exclude insurers is great.”

Month-on-month they evaluate whether performance is on track to hit targets and have used MI from Vision to secure multiple strategic deals.

Agency Rationalisation

High-level views of their entire book help Heath Crawford to effectively manage placement. Obscure markets are highlighted by Vision, allowing their team to move policies to strategic partners, rationalising their agency base and promoting efficiency.

“All of this is possible with other software houses,” explains Oliver, “but it’s clunky and difficult.”


Moving forward, Heath Crawford will continue to embed Vision as the main strategic tool for overviews of their book and business as a whole.

Ultimately, Vision helps them get deals over the line. Oliver explained that when in discussion with insurers, if asked about the size of an opportunity and the number of policies, the Heath Crawford team can now answer in seconds with additional details of how many insurers it currently sits over. As he says, he can now simply state:

“Hold on, let me log into Broker Insights VisionTM and check that right now.”

Which is a win for them, the insurers and, ultimately, for their customers.

Key Facts

  • Enhanced strategic oversight with Broker Insights VisionTM
  • Significant time savings for Account Managers
  • Key insurer account growth through placement strategies
  • Promoted efficiency through agency rationalisation

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